Adstar bag

Ad star bag is one of the most famous types of bags and sacks, which are also called cement bags. These bags are designed for quick filling and no glue is used in their construction, and due to its laminate layer, these bags have high resistance against impact and sharp objects. Also, the resistance of Adastar bag against water is high.
These bags are made of laminated and moisture-proof polypropylene, which can have an inlet funnel (valved) or an open side. These bags have very small perforations (Micro perforation) on the entire surface of the bag, which makes it easy to remove the air inside it when filling it, and also prevents the bags from slipping on top of each other when it is stored after being filled. come The printed types of these bags can be produced in 6 colors. Compared to three-layer paper envelopes, these bags can be used after time and can be recycled, and they have a more reasonable price than paper bags. And also it does not get torn and damaged during transportation.
Can be used for cement sacks
Packing petrochemical products
Sand and plaster sacks
Salt sack bag
For pet food bag
For chemical fertilizer sack
Can be used for flour bag and all powder products
production interval Types product name
Width 35 to 60 cm


Length 46 to 85 cm

Thread width 4 to 2 mm

The width of the funnel is 16 to 8 cm



No valve (one open end)

Adstar bag
Product features
Width: 35 to 60 cm